1. The club shall be named 'The Meadow Hill Tennis Club'.
2. The position of the president is an honorary one and will be awarded for life or until the person wishes to relinquish the post. This will represent the highest award of the club for past services. The members shall elect at the Annual General meeting an executive committee. This executive committee shall consist of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and five other elected members plus the President. Office bearers are to be elected individually. The executive committee as described above is responsible to a Trust for the proper running of the club affairs. The membership at a general meeting has the power to appoint replacement trustees up to a maximum of four. At the Annual General Meeting, non-playing members may be elected as Vice Presidents in recognition of their services to the Club. (Revised 27/1/22)
3. MANAGEMENT: The management of the club shall be the responsibility of the Executive Committee, five of which, including one official, to form a quorum at committee meetings. Vacancies on the Executive committee occurring during the year may be filled by the Executive Committee.
4. AUDITORS: The books of the club shall be audited by a member, who is not a member of the executive committee, elected for that purpose at the Annual General Meeting (Revised 27/1/22)
The Club's financial year shall end on the 30th September and the AGM shall take
place not later than the end of February (2/97). The secretary shall notify all
members of the AGM and forward a copy of the balance sheet at least seven days
before the meeting.
Items for the agenda should be in the hands of the secretary at least 24 hours
before the start of the meeting.
Any proposal must be seconded before any discussion on the proposal takes place.
Only full members, who are present at any meeting are entitled to vote.
The Chairman has one normal vote plus a casting vote in the event of a tie. Items raised in AOB may not be voted on. The following proposals may be moved and seconded without notice and the question put; (i) to suspend the meeting, (ii) to adjourn the meeting, (iii) to proceed to next business, (iv) that the vote be taken. Such proposals need a two thirds majority in favour (2/00).
Not less than ten members of at least the second year of membership may, at any time by requisition in writing to the secretary, call for an Extraordinary General Meeting, such meeting to take place within 21 days. Such meetings may be convened by the Committee at any time they consider desirable. No business shall be considered at such a meeting except that embodied in the notice convening the meeting. One third of the members must be present at the meeting. This constitution shall not be added to or amended except at the AGM of the Club at which at least one third of the full members are present. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to decide any point or circumstance not covered by the constitution and shall publish 'as Rules' the current decisions Club Management and conduct of members as an appendix to this constitution.
The deeds can be withdrawn from the bank with the signature of the Treasurer
and Secretary (10.3.71)